Do I need experience or some level of fitness?

No! Just get started. Our workouts and exercises scale to any level—from broomsticks to barbells, we’ll tailor the workout to your ability.

Who has benefited from CrossFit?

Many professional and elite athletes are participating in a High Intensity Interval Training program. Prize fighters, cyclists, surfers, skiers, tennis players, triathletes and others competing at the highest levels are using the High Intensity Interval Training approach to advance their core strength and conditioning, but that’s not all. We have tested its methods on the sedentary, overweight, pathological, and elderly and found that these special populations met the same success as our stable of athletes. If our program works for Olympic Skiers and overweight, sedentary homemakers then it will work for you.

Do I have to be in shape before I start?

Absolutely not! KMC Active is where your journey begins. You are pushed and encouraged based on your current level of fitness. All we want is for you to give your best effort during each workout.

What types of results should I expect?

Although you will probably start feeling better and stronger immediately, new members can expect improvement in strength and endurance following the first fifteen sessions. In addition, our findings show that flexibility, agility and body composition are improved. Subjective things like increased mental toughness, energy levels, improved sleep and reduced joint stiffness are also reported. Most of our students are shocked at their improvements even though they would consider themselves exercisers before starting KMC Active.

What types of exercises do you do?

Squats, presses, deadlifts, rowing, running, jumping, climbing, pulling, pushing, carrying, and everything in between. Every exercise we do can be modified to meet you where you are at. Our excellent staff believes in well thought out and carefully designed workouts that elicit the best from each athlete every time they train!  Come experience the difference of a high quality, well thought out program.